Well, West End Deli,
If you hadn't created a website,
If you hadn't seen to it that its design is clean, photography well-lit and nicely composed, online menus and blog posts kept up to date,
If you hadn't stuck tidily to the one typeface that is, thankfully for you, not Comic Sans,
I might not have felt that I had to pay you a visit in person

and then I wouldn't have seen your pastry counter, with its typewritten signs and tempting petits fours (not pictured, thanks to my composition that needs a little more work than yours).

And a donkey would not have had a jar of brown sugar cubes upon which to be set (irrelevant aside: the donkey was named "Sugarcube" by the manufacturer. "Mo" comes from the experience which led to its becoming my donkey).

And I wouldn't have known that you make magnificently rich crepes, offset by the zingy rhubarb compote and pistachios, which made me want to go home and try making my own. (It's not you, it's me; I have this insatiable need to replicate tasty things other people have cooked for me.)
But whether I succeed or not, I hope to see you again soon. Those petits fours are calling me.

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