
Friday, February 29, 2008

It's been too long...

I don't like leaving the blog un-updated for too long, because then its posts become like appam that's been left too long in the plastic bag on the dining table: old and unappetising. And I have had some complaints that updates are too irregular as well as too infrequent. So, now that I'm trying to introduce some semblance of sane order to my life, I'll aim for one new post a week, at the very least.

But now I'm feeling extremely sluggish in the blogging muscle, and I don't know what I want to write about.

Maybe I could write about how cold today was, and how thankful I am for many things:
  1. That my housemate's sister offered me a ride to the mall so that I would not have to carry 4.5kg of hand weights home by bus and on foot.
  2. That though I woke up coughing because my throat was cold, it didn't stay cold, because I have a loosely knitted scarf in happy pastels that I threw into my luggage at the last moment when I was leaving KL. So the coughing has ended.
  3. That my housemate made a deliciously cheesy, corn- and tomato-filled omelette for dinner, and so for a respite from a half-day spent typing an assignment on my PC I got to eat omelette with toasted, buttered rolls.
  4. That I have tastebuds with which to savour omelette, butter and rolls.
  5. That those same tastebuds also have a penchant for chocolate ice-cream, which I scooped into a mug and took with me on a walk to the park, despite the cold.
  6. That I have overcome the psychological barrier that my first assignment of post-grad life had presented.
This is getting too wordy, and after a whole day of wordy, I can't do it anymore.

Omelette in progress

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