
Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Another happy list

I am officially stressed. Must do happy list. Happy list make me smile. Nice things on list. Ha-ha. Ha-ha. Make me think good time. Gooooooood.

Happy food:
  1. Popsie's lasagne when the cheese on top isn't burnt and leathery, and I get to eat it fresh from the oven
  2. Mama's sayur paku masak lemak, jiu hoo char, pai tee, asam fish, asam prawn, pineapple cheesecake, 'apong bokuah'... mmm. Practically any Grandma Saw food will do.
  3. Yellow chang with good, thick gula Melaka syrup
  4. Warm garlic focaccia
  5. Sushi
  6. Lemon chicken which is still crispy from the deep-frying, with real lemon sauce, not some starchy, glue-like substance, poured on it
  7. POTATOES (I think they deserve to be in block capitals because they're my favourite meat. What, does something have to come from an animal in order to be meat?)
  8. French balls (they're not from France and they're not... look, they're good, clean food. I would serve them at a children's party. What's with that look?)
  9. Cendol (the mellow, pandan juice-dyed type, not the radioactive green stuff from the frozen food section in supermarkets) with fresh santan and gula melaka
  10. Warm carrot cake with cream cheese frosting.

OK, I feel happy enough now that I'm done with that. I'll save the "happy books" and "happy music" lists for later.

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